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Showing posts from May, 2016

SolR, NiFi, Twitter and CDH 5.7

Since the most interesting Apache NiFi parts are coming from ASF [1] or Hortonworks [2], I thought to use CDH 5.7 and do the same, just to be curious. Here's now my 30 minutes playground, currently running in Googles Compute. On one of my playground nodes I installed Apache NiFi per mkdir /software && cd /software &&  wget   && tar xvfz nifi-0.6.1-bin.tar.gz Then I've set only nifi.sensitive.props.key property in conf/ to an easy to remember secret. The next bash /software/nifi-0.6.1/bin/ install installs Apache NiFi as an service. After log in into Apache NiFi's WebUI, download and add the template [3] to Apache NiFi, move the template icon to the drawer, open it and edit the twitter credentials to fit your developer account. To use an  schema-less SolR index (or Cloudera Search in CDH) I copied some example files over into a local directory: cp -r ...