Flume, the decentralized log collector, makes some great progress. Since the project has reached an Apache incubating tier the development on the next generation (NG) has reached a significant level. Now, what's the advantage of a new flume? Simply the architecture. FlumeNG doesn't need zookeeper anymore, has no master / client concept nor nodes / collectors. Simply run a bunch of agents, connect each of them together and create your own flow. Flume now can run with 20MB heapsize, uses inMemory Channel for flows, can have multiflows, different sinks to one channel and will support a few more sinks as flume =< 1.0.0. But, flumeNG will not longer support tail and tailDir, here a general exec sink is available, which lets the user the freedom to use everything. Requirements On the build host we need jre 1.6.x, maven 3.x and git or svn. Installation To check out the code we use git and maven in a simple one-line command: git clone git://git.apache.org/...
Hey, I'm Alex. I founded X-Warp, Infinimesh, Infinite Devices, Scalytics and worked with Cloudera, E.On, Google, Evariant, and had the incredible luck to build products with outstanding people in my life, across the globe.